Happy New Year from Hearthlight!
Welcome to 2024! Here at Hearthlight many of our team of volunteers are changing over and it’s time for YOU to join our team.
Leadership Opportunities to Volunteer
Board of Directors - The BoD is one of the main governing bodies in Hearthlight. They’re the ones keeping the lights on and organizing the tasks necessary for running a national non-profit organization. Joining the Board is a great way for Hearthlight members to influence and improve the game for everyone. If you have skills and experience, this is a way to positively impact the administrative side of the organization and serve the Hearthlight community while honing your own leadership skills. To find out more, see this blogpost
Vice President - It’s time to hold another Vice Presidential Election! The VP of Hearthlight is an elected position and helps the President and the National Council. Let us know if you’re interested! The VP of HL:
Has a service term of two (2) years; may serve no more than three (3) consecutive terms
Is elected by the Membership
Carries out goals determined by the BoD
Chairs committees as is reasonable
Serves as the contact person for committees not chaired by the VP
Coordinates with the other Executive Officers (VP, Chapter Relations, Treasurer, Web Admin, Secretary, Public Relations, etc.)
Chapter Relations Team - Serves as a team assisting new chapters with onboarding and helps existing chapters maintain updated records and active standing. Help our game grow! Send an email to contact@hearthlightgame.org to find out more.
Opportunities to Contribute
Hearthlight’s Wiki - Hearthlight has a Wiki! This is a great place to store all of your foam smithing tutorials, garb patterns, game rules, event descriptions, anything you want available to the community and are tired of typing out on Discord! It’s your space to share what YOU know!